is coyoacan safe at night

Is Coyoacan Safe At Night? [9 Factors]

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Coyoacan, a southern neighborhood of Mexico City, is a charming, cultural, and historically rich area. It is known for its bohemian atmosphere, colorful architecture, cobblestone streets, and art-filled plazas. But, is Coyoacan safe at night? This question may come to mind if you are planning to visit or stay in this area. In this article, we will explore the safety of Coyoacan at night and what you need to know before you go.

1.     Not Considered a Dangerous Area by Any Means

Mexico City is a big city, and like any other major city, it has its share of unsafe areas. However, Coyoacan is not one of them. In fact, Coyoacan is considered one of the safest areas in Mexico City. Crime rates in this area are relatively low, and it is not known for being a dangerous neighborhood. Therefore, it is safe to say that Coyoacan is not considered a dangerous area by any means.

2.     Safest

While Coyoacan is not the only safe neighborhood in Mexico City, it is considered one of the safest. According to the Mexico City government, there are some areas that are considered unsafe for tourists, especially at night. However, Coyoacan is not one of them. Therefore, if you are looking for a safe place to visit or stay in Mexico City, Coyoacan should be on your list.

3.     Feels Friendly

One of the things that make Coyoacan stand out is its friendly atmosphere. The neighborhood is known for its laid-back and welcoming vibe. It is a place where people gather to socialize, listen to music, and enjoy the street food. Therefore, if you are looking for a friendly and welcoming neighborhood to explore at night, Coyoacan is a great option.

4.     It’s Safe to Walk Around Some Areas of Mexico City at Night?

While it is not safe to walk around all areas of Mexico City at night, there are some areas that are safe to explore. Coyoacan is one of these areas. Therefore, if you want to explore the neighborhood at night, it is safe to do so. However, you should always take precautions and avoid walking alone in dark or deserted areas.

5.     Avoid Any Very Northern or Very Southern Neighborhoods in Mexico City at Night

Although Coyoacan is safe to explore at night, there are some neighborhoods in Mexico City that should be avoided. These include very northern or very southern neighborhoods such as Tepito, Doctores, Ciudad Neza, Iztapalapa, Narvarte, Buena Vista, and Colonia del Valle. These areas are known for their high crime rates, and it is not safe to explore them at night.

6.     Coyoacan is on the Quiet Side

If you are looking for a bustling nightlife, Coyoacan may not be the place for you. While there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, and bars in the neighborhood, it is on the quiet side. Therefore, if you are looking for a peaceful and relaxing night out, Coyoacan is a great option.

7.     How Long to Stay in Coyoacan?

Coyoacan is a neighborhood that can be explored in a day. However, if you want to take your time and explore everything it has to offer, you may want to spend a night or two in the area. There are plenty of things to see and do in Coyoacan, including visiting the Frida Kahlo Museum, exploring the colonial architecture, and strolling through the parks.

8.     Is Coyoacán Walkable?

Yes, Coyoacan is a walkable neighborhood, and it is the best way to explore the area. Walking through the streets, you will encounter plenty of activity in the parks and people walking around. The neighborhood is also well connected with public transportation, including buses and metro stations.

9.     Where to Stay in Coyoacan?

If you are planning to stay in Coyoacan, there are plenty of options to choose from. There are budget-friendly hostels, cozy guesthouses, and luxurious hotels. The area is safe to stay in, and you can choose a location that suits your preferences and budget.


In conclusion, Coyoacan is a safe neighborhood to explore at night. It is considered one of the safest areas in Mexico City and is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. While it may not be as lively as other neighborhoods, it has plenty of things to offer, including cultural and historical sites, parks, and restaurants. Whether you are staying for a day or a few nights, Coyoacan is a great option to consider.



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